Aniridia is a devastating ocular disease requiring intensive eye care, social and community support from birth and throughout an individual’s lifetime.

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Scientific mission at Fondazione Banca degli Occhi del Veneto: Arianne Velthoven

Scientific mission at Fondazione Banca degli Occhi del Veneto: Arianne Velthoven

Last December 2019, Arianne Van Velthoven, a phD student in stem-cell based regenerative medicine at Maastricht University (the Netherlands), returned from a scientific mission at Fondazione Banca degli Occhi del Veneto (Italy) under the supervision of Dr. Stefano Ferrari, where she has received intensive training in the know-how that allows for limbal cell transplant for the treatment of LSCD. This COST action #CA18116 scientific mission involved techniques such as: 3T3-J2 maintenance and irradiation, isolation and culturing of limbal cells from cadaveric samples, transplant preparation using fibrin glue gels and quality control assays (viability, life span, expression markers analysis, etc). This fruitful cooperation will enhance the research efforts being invested in the VISION project, a collaboration between the MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine (Maastricht University), the University Eye Clinic Maastricht (MUMC+) and the Veneto Eye Bank Foundation (FBOV, Italy), with the goal of using nanotechnology to improve the understanding of the regenerative processes in the eye.

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